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How To Develop Confidence And Resilience In SDRs

Apollo Otika

Updated: Feb 8, 2024

palm tree bending in the fierce winds of a hurricane
Building resilience is a key skill for sales professionals

Mastering Resilience

We all want to navigate through rejections and setbacks with a positive and determined mindset, so why does it feel so hard to get there? Unfortunately building resilience requires exposing yourself to discomfort, repeatedly. To take things a step further, to be effective as an SDR you will have to endure discomfort and still have enough drive left in your tank to come out stronger than before - think antifragile like building muscle or endurance in the gym.

Here are 5 things you can do to build up your resilience:

Positive Attitude And Growth Mindset

Get ready to work on yourself, because this path is as much about self-improvement as it is about professional development. Embrace the fact that there will be ups and downs. The sales world is dynamic and challenging, but remember each hurdle is an opportunity to build resilience.

Try to enjoy the d and don't take yourself too seriously – a lighter-hearted approach will make the journey more enjoyable and less stressful.

Focus on improving one thing at a time. Whether it's your pitch, your product knowledge, or your ability to handle rejection, incremental improvements lead to significant growth over time.

Finally, bring positive energy each day. A contagious positive attitude can significantly impact your interactions with prospects and colleagues. It fuels perseverance, fosters a supportive team environment, and ultimately contributes to your growth and success as an SDR. Remember, a positive growth mindset isn't just about achieving sales targets; it's about evolving into a more resilient, skilled, and confident professional.

Fail Forward

"Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward." - John C Maxwell

Understand that you are not expected to be an expert from the start. You need to take time to prepare, but at some point, you must dive into real conversations, embrace the practical experience, and accumulate the repetitions that foster resilience and growth.

Mistakes are part of the learning process, a commitment to learning from each experience is what will set you apart.

Community learning is key - learn from peers and be open to sharing your insights and experiences with them. This collaborative approach not only accelerates your learning curve but also contributes to a supportive and enriching work environment.

In sales, resilience is built through action, reflection, and continuous learning.

Self-Reflection and Awareness

woman in black suit looking at reflection in mirror that shows her wearing a white suit
Self-reflection is crucial for personal growth

Self-reflection is crucial for personal growth. Start by checking whether your growth expectations are realistic or not and how your actions are either helping or hindering your progress. It's essential to assess your skills, acknowledge both strengths and weaknesses and then prioritize improving your weaknesses.

Beware of creative avoidance. Often, the areas that you avoid the most (where discomfort is most intense) are where the greatest opportunities for growth lie.

Ask for feedback! Constructive criticism from peers and managers will help you identify areas for improvement and accelerate your learning curve.

Learn what you can and can't control in your sales environment. This will help with focusing your efforts and maintaining a positive attitude.

Sharpen Your Tools

Expert athletes spend almost all their professional time practicing, consider why.

Many SDRs role-play when they are new but will stop once they start experiencing success, this is a big mistake. SDRs need to master the talk track; what to say and how to communicate it effectively, this means dedicating specific times for practice and adhering to them rigorously.

Repeatedly engaging in realistic role-play and objection-handling sessions aimed at making your conversational flow instinctive, will enable you to handle calls with confidence and agility. Expert SDRs practice every day before they make dials, like elite athletes they never stop practicing.

At we use AI to scale your SDRs ability to set meetings:

1. AI Sales Coach trains new SDRs faster with the conversation skills they need to start setting meetings faster.

Salesperson making a sales call using AI assistant to answer customer objections during call
iWish AI Power Dialer with in-call objection assistance

2. AI Power Dialer with real-time objection responses guides SDRs during live calls so you convert more conversations into meetings.

3. AI Email Generator scales SDR outbound campaigns with captivating sales emails tailored to your buyers and value proposition increasing open and reply rates.

To learn more about how our AI Sales Platform can empower your SDRs to book more meetings faster, visit us at

Learn how to win the game

Successful SDRs understand that sales is a blend of skill and numbers. Crucially, they learn to distinguish between what is within their control and what isn't. This acceptance builds resilience and focuses energy in areas they can influence, while maintaining a healthy perspective on inevitable challenges. It is important to celebrate small victories, recognizing that true progress is gradual. At times it may even feel like progress isn't happening at all - this is when it's more critical to persevere.

Expert SDRs are committed to optimizing one thing at a time ensuring steady improvement. They stay focused on accomplishing immediate goals, without getting sidetracked. Many small improvements over time compound into huge improvements, just get 1% better every day and you will improve 250% in a year.

Want to empower your SDRs to book more meetings faster? visit us at

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